about US

    Being a part of an Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor instinctively brings the will to be technologically updated, open to growth opportunities and guidance from some of the most skilled people who work in our field of interests. We strongly believe that IEEE exposes students to all of these amazing opportunities. Being a part of an IEEE student branch not only gives us the confidence in our fields of interest but also provides a suitable environment for sustainable growth among our peers. also gives us the opportunity to network and explore infinite possibilities.


    To generate an environment which is rapt friendly for students to explore the limitless possibilities in a growth cultivating era, with the help of the resources available from the IEEE community. Leveraging the intrigued minds, and giving them an opportunity to be a part of something that is bigger than just themselves.

    IEEE Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor student branch is formed:
    · To ensure that the interested minds get access to tremendous resources.
    · To give an opportunity to be a part of something bigger than just themselves.
    · To encourage students to take part in IEEE projects and research works.
    · To have our peers updated with today’s technology’s potential.
    · Network beyond the walls of the institution and the borders of the state.


    Accelerating growth, and constantly contributing to revolutionary technology that shall improve the global conditions and create a better everyday life for the many people. Inculcate the spirit of inquisitiveness and science amongst students through seminars and workshops and provide an opportunity to the students to enhance their technical skills and problem solving abilities through conducting technical events.

    Expectations that will be fulfilled:
    · Being a key part of the awards, scholarships and project/design programs and student       paper contests.
    · Indulge in a technoholic environment along with our fellow students.
    · The scope projects and research available out there in the open, drives the students         towards something extraordinary.
    · Developing off textbook skills which are in demand in the real world.
    · Helping worthy students come under the spotlight for the exposure they need.


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    Don’t think, Now or Never!

    It's never too late to begin your journey with the world's best community and the best engineers. Join IEEE now to get all the benefits.

    Our Programs

    As part of IEEE Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor branch, we organize a lot of events like webinars, hackathons, workshops and talks to enrich students with industrial level skills.

    First Class


    Industrial experts from various MNC's, and from various backgrounds inspire students by teaching them with those skills outside the curriculum and let them explore their interests. Also, these webinars help students to improve their overall abilities ( be it technical or non-technical). At Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor, we believe in the concept of Practice-Learning-Practice. So, here, at IEEE Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor, we organise various webinars where students can participate in sessions to get hands-on experience and practice with the tech stacks taught during the webinars, which in result, can improve their skills and their career as a whole.

    Second Training


    Knowledge that is not kept into real-life practice is always not worth learning. So, we at IEEE Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor student branch organize a lot of hackathons where students implement a lot of skills gained in lot of other IEEE sessions into real world applications and softwares. Winners are awarded with awesome goodies and prizes to increase more participation. .

    Third Class


    Several industrial experts are invited to organize 3-day workshops where students get the complete idea of what is being taught and are left to build some real world products after the workshop. These workshops are greatest source of learning and tend to be more productive sessions of all the events we organize.

    Fourth Training


    The greatest source of motivation comes from talking to great people. So, we at IEEE Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor student branch organize talks by the most successful and great people in the tech industry to motivate students to pursue their dreams and also by sharing their real-life experiences, inspire the younger generations to be more powerful minds and souls. Also, build a good career for themselves. These talks are the greatest source of knowledge, tips for career building and inspiration for the students.

    Our Team

    Our team who were always interested to give back to the community and worked really hard to make this student branch successful.

    Dr. Priyanka Dwivedi


    I strongly believe, it's the community we mingle with, which decides our future and what we are. It's the people around you, who decide the skills you gain. So, we at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor, decided to provide such community to enrich students with those skills and empower them with that knowledge which helps them stand out in their career. IEEE is one of those finest community of engineers where students can make new connections round the globe, voluntarily take part in various conferences and contribute to the booming technology. Also, IEEE Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor student branch is formed to let students explore their interests and always stay as a helping hand to pursue their interests, apart from what is being taught in the curriculum. Our ongoing endeavor to excel and to succeed has penned a saga of success in academic laurels and leadership and also, impressive oppurtunities. On the bedrock of our core values, we will continue to scale up over the next few years, improving the community, and on a whole, building careers of students of Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor.
    Welcome to the compassionate learning culture and to a warm community of engineers.
    -Dr. Priyanka Dwivedi
    Branch Counsellor IEEE-IIIT Sri City Student Branch

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    For any further information, Mail us at ieee@iiits.in